Growing up, I loved TV. Since I was little and all the way through high school, I basically had shows lined up that I could not miss most nights of the week. And I pretty much had the Disney Channel memorized 7th-9thish grade. As a college student, though, I kind of bailed on TV. I dedicated most of my watching-time to movies. I think it's because I was actually busy in college, unlike childhood and high school, where I had the routine "school in the daytime, hang out at the house/do nothing at nighttime". The college life "routine" is so unpredictable and fast-paced, is it not (in a good way, most of the time!)? Only in the last half of my college experience did I pick up on "Greek" and "The Office", both of which I still struggled to keep up with despite their goodness.
But now, as a new post-grad for the last three months, and just recently employed, having more than enough time on my hands because of the lack of an established schedule and virtually no friends in town (with very precious exceptions), I have fallen under the weekly TV line-up spell yet again! Here's what my nights look like lately:

The best thing to come out of ABC Family, maybe ever. The season actually just ended, so come to think of it, Mondays are open again for me.

The Hills The City
I am quite surprised at my new addiction to two of MTV's basically-scripted reality shows. But I cannot stop watching. I've watched "The Hills" from time to time, and have always been annoyed by it (and still kind of am). There's really no explanation for why I'm interested. There is virtually no content. "The City" is the better show of the two. There is actually a plot to each episode, not solely about relationship troubles, but rather, career issues. I really like to see how each of the girls deals with the assignments they're given and their sometimes (well, most of the time) difficult bosses and work environments. And, it all revolves around fashion, which is fun!

Cougar Town
Ok, so, Courteney Cox is actually funny. Who knew? I realize she was on one of the best comedy shows ever, but she was always my least favorite Friend. When I first heard about "Cougar Town", I thought, "That show will fail." But I think it may succeed! Courteney plays a crazy Miami divorcee, Mom to a high-school senior, and date-er of men close to twenty years her junior. Her escapades, along with the witty banter with her assistant played by Busy Philipps (one of my all time favorites - see "Freaks and Geeks"), are surprisingly really entertaining to me.
Grey's Anatomy The Office
After a maybe three-season hiatus, I have returned to "Grey's". Plain and simple, it's a well-written show. I just got really tired of the relationship stuff, mainly that of Meredith and Derek. Luckily, this season they are probably the least shown characters and their troubles are basically resolved (so we think). Maybe that's why I like it again... Plus, tons of fresh new faces due to the Seattle Grace - Mercy West merger! (Wow, grace and mercy, just noticed that.)
And "The Office". Of course! Wedding episode - definitely my favorite of the season so far.
Please don't judge. It's just funny.
Am I missing anything?
How I Met Your Mother is great and also Mad Men! I think you would like it, Claire. Season 3 just ended, but you can rent it from the beginning. It takes place in the early 60s when your parents were children. The era is done so well, it's like going back in time.
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