Monday, August 24, 2009


Feeling weak and powerless? It's probably because we are. You should read 2 Chronicles 20.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

the summer "hot list"...and the "not list"

I want to share the new things I have enjoyed or have become a fan of this summer in the form of music, movies, books, and many miscellaneous items. And here they are, in no particular order:

1. Brooke Fraser

A friend introduced me to Brooke's song"Albertine" a few months ago and I absolutely loved it. After receiving an Itunes gift card for my birthday in May, I bought her latest album, also titled "Albertine". Her voice is rich, her lyrics are insightful, and her music aesthetically pleasing. Other favorites include "Deciphering Me" and "The Thief". Check her out, yo!

2. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Dur. I don't think I need to elaborate here. I'm a big Potter fan, so yeah, this is on the hot list. I don't know if it exceeded my expectations, but it definitely met them and very much pumped me up for some re-reading of the books and the seventh movie (due out in a year...).

3. Weddings

This was the "summer of weddings" for me. Four of my friends got married, two for which I was a bridesmaid. They are beautiful couples and I was blessed by attending each of the ceremonies. And since all of my Auburn friends are now parting ways, the weddings were great excuses to see each other : )

4. Zachary Quinto as "Spock" in Star Trek

What can I say, I developed a bit of a crush. And a rather odd one, at that.

5. Calm My Anxious Heart, by Linda Dillow

I bought this book at the beginning of the summer. I'd heard so much about this book over the past year, and, since the uncertainty of my future was and still is sadly causing me much anxiety, I thought it was the perfect time to buy it. It includes a twelve-week individual study in the back, which has been wonderful. One of my favorite quotes, actually not even of Linda's, but something she included in the chapter, "Content to Be Me": "He thought to gain a thing by doing, when the very thing desired was a being." - George MacDonald

6. Memphis, TN

My first visit to the city, and I approve. I was visiting friends, which was good in itself, and I just generally liked what I saw and where I went. This included a thorough tour of the Service Over Self (SOS) building and introduction to the organization (thanks, Colbs!), a Memphis Redbirds game, my first Memphis barbecue at Central BBQ, and a walk through downtown. On our walk, we stopped in the famous Peabody Hotel, which is "the hotel with the ducks", as Danielle calls it : ) We didn't get to see the ducks, but it was definitely a hoppin' and beautiful hotel.

7. "Arrested Development"

Ohhh wow. This might be the third funniest TV show of all time in my book, or tie with the other two ("The Office" and "Freaks and Geeks", of course). Buster's probably my fave.

8. A myriad of songs, namely, "Wake Up" by Arcade Fire, "A Last Reading" by Adrian Johnston, "Us" by Regina Spektor, "In a Sweater Poorly Knit" by Mewithoutyou, "Sex on Fire" by Kings of Leon, "Can't Take it in" by Imogen Heap, "Ageless Beauty" by Stars....

So some of these aren't exactly new, but they are new to me! And yes, I heard about most of them from movie soundtracks.

9. Shane and Shane

I am really, really late. They are great.

10. Job Searching/"Next Step" Seeking

It's exciting!

What "hot list" would be complete without a "not list"? Here are some things that did not impress me so much and kind of disappointed me this summer:

1. My Sister's Keeper

Yep, the book and the movie, which are completely and totally different. I wanted to be into it, but I'm just not.

2. Driving. Alot.

Normally, I love driving. You ask, "Who wants to drive?" and I will most likely raise my hand. But...I was on the road many, many an hour this summer, driving to weddings, showers, my Memphis trip, back and forth to and from the beach, Dothan, and Auburn....and it just. got. old. And what's worse, my music got old too : (

3. Construction in Auburn

Enough is enough. The alternate route meant I had to step over a fence every day in order to get to my classes in Lowder. Which means I couldn't wear my casual skirts to class. Which I was not happy about.

4. A lack of reading for pleasure

I'm not sure how this happened, but I probably read only 3 or 4 books this summer. I even failed to read Anne of Green Gables for my book club! I love reading in the summer and I simply didn't get to many of the books I planned on reading. Maybe it was all that driving/traveling.

5. The Hangover Hype

It was funny, but it wasn't that funny. IMDB users will understand this.

6. Limited Release Movies

Movie fans living in Alabama tend to get the shaft. How was Away We Go? Anybody see it?

7. Not catching the bouquet at any of the weddings.

... Just kidding. Kind of.

8. Mini-mester Classes

Don't let "mini" fool you. They are mini devils!

9. Jon and Kate Plus 8

A sad situation, and I think it would be better for them and for us if we all weren't so obsessed. Of course I don't really think anyone's obsessed anymore...

10. Job Searching/"Next Step" Seeking

It's terrifying!

A great summer, all in all. Oh yeah, one other thing I should add to the hot list: Graduating from college. Tomorrow!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

John Hughes, 1950-2009

John Hughes passed away yesterday. Because he is the writer/director of three of my first favorite movies ever and many other greats, I feel I need to make a little tribute to him.

Around the time of my sixth grade year, I was introduced to Sixteen Candles. And I became obsessed. It was just perfect. I'd never seen this kind of comedy before. And of course, I fell in love with the story. I wanted to be Samantha Baker, a shy but kind, independent and stylish girl who longs for beautiful senior Jake Ryan, and actually gets his attention, totally unintentionally! Believable? I'm still not sure. Nevertheless, I couldn't and still can't get enough. Plus, every character is witty and unique in their own way. Long Duk Dong, Grandpa Fred, and even mean girl Caroline, all have priceless lines. In a word, the man's a genius when it comes to teen comedy.

The Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink also quickly became favorites (I guess Molly Ringwald is kind of my gur). The Breakfast Club is probably the most amazing character study of high schoolers ever (though this could be argued, since they are very stereotypical characters...) and I will never stop quoting it. Another beautiful story of unnoticed Molly Ringwald heroine pursued by popular dude is told in Pretty in Pink. It's pretty much ideal. You can't beat the last scene at the prom highlighted by Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark's "If You Leave".

What I'm trying to say is this: John Hughes was a huge part of my junior high and high school years. He might have set unrealistic standards for what I wanted my experience to be like, but I couldn't help but enjoy the sweetness and humor of it all. Ferris Bueller's Day Off and the Vacation movies I also love, but nothing comes close to the Ringwald trio.

One Hughes movie that I have overlooked for far too long: Some Kind of Wonderful. I must watch soon.

"We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all." - Andrew, The Breakfast Club

Thank you, Mr. Hughes.