A few nights ago, my sister and I held our 4th (possibly 5th...can't remember) annual Christmas-time viewing of one of our favorite films, Little Women. Her husband joined us this time, which was a little distracting since he made fun of it throughout : (. Nevertheless, it was a brilliant two hours, as always.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
a christmas tradition: little women
Posted by claire at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
london (i wish) fog
Observation of the day: Fog is beautiful. I knew this already, but it is an especially foggy evening and it looks so lovely surrounding the many trees in my front and back yards. I'm appreciating it for the first time in a long while. So, if you're privileged enough to have it, enjoy the fog. Try not to drive in it, though.
Posted by claire at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
movies i have seen, as of late

Posted by claire at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
dresses from anthropologie
This is the result of browsing the internet to get some "Christmas list" ideas. I don't really want anything in particular, but of course my Mom wants to have something to go by. I don't need anything, especially not these super-cute dresses from Anthro. Just dreaming!
Posted by claire at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving Day 2009
I hope everyone has had a nice day off with family and friends, enjoying wonderful homemade food, and that you've had a chance to stop and feel thankful for all these things. I know I almost didn't really stop to think about giving thanks. I was pretty preoccupied most of the day with eating food and looking forward to more food and trying not to be awkward at my always-kind-of-awkward family get-togethers. But it was a good day.
Truthfully, I don't want to list out every little thing I'm thankful for. I've got to get up early tomorrow for work (black friday/iron bowl day? sadly, yes.) so I need to go to bed. But what is encouraging is this: over these past three or so days I've been trying to think of everything I'm thankful for, all that I've been blessed with, every little small delight of every day life, and downsize it in to blog form. And the truth is that there is so much to choose from...and I've realized just how much we have to be thankful for. Have I said "thankful" enough?
And, I usually don't do this, but WAR EAGLE for tomorrow!
Posted by claire at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
thanks 2
- My time at Auburn. College was four years long. I had eighteen previous years before attending Auburn. But most of my convictions and life perspective that I have now were shaped by those four little years. Auburn is where I really began to grow spiritually. In short, I think a whole lot differently now than I have for the greater part of my life, and it's crazy to think about what I was missing.
- Blogs. I have found over the past few months how great blogs are for keeping up with the lives of friends who are not physically right beside you. You can hear about his or her day just with a click of a mouse. I know, I know, you can call, but sometimes it's kind of hard not to get into a game of phone tag. Also, it's fun to read blogs of people you don't know. There are a lot of interesting peeps out there. As far as my blog goes, I am thankful to have it because it's kind of like a challenge for me - to be myself. I'm trying to use it to share things vulnerably for the good of others, without worrying about anyone judging how good it is or how cool I am. It's a challenge every single time.
- Good Health. I think all of us who generally have good health totally forget to be thankful for it. Or maybe it's just me. If we remember to be thankful for it, we will probably work harder on maintaining it (I'm talking to myself here). For instance - I have legs, not everybody does, so I should take joy in running! Am I being weird? It's getting late...
- Trees. What if the whole earth were desert? That would be a pretty bleak world. Trees are beautiful, and I am thankful to have so many in my back and front yards (my mom's insistence on "privacy").
- Ice cold water. I am convinced that nothing on earth is more quenching of legitimate physical thirst. It is by far my favorite beverage. And I am thankful we have clean water here, as many in the world do not.
Posted by claire at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
- God. That He exists, that He is good, that He sent His Son for us, that He loves us, that He talks to us, that we can talk to Him, that He is sovereign and the blessed controller of all things, that He is creative, and for all the other infinite things He is. All the rest of this list, anything I can ever be thankful for, is from Him and for Him.
- Family. I am talking blood-kin. It is really cool to think that there are people who have been around since you were born, day in and day out, who know your history and know you like no other people in the world. They have shaped you in a way that no one else has. I know family looks different for everyone. Specifically, I am thankful to have two parents who love each other and a sister and a brother-in-law who are my best friends.
- Friendship. The truth is, people need people. You can't really exist with out some connection with another. A beautiful form of this connection is friendship, something I am still learning about and appreciating. I do know that I'm thankful for every friend I've ever had - think about how many friends, even acquaintances, you've been blessed to have over the span of your life, even if you don't keep in touch anymore. They were necessary for that moment in your life.
- Food. What a gift! We have so many different kinds, so as not to grow tired of any one thing. And, it's an excuse to hang out with people (how many people did you "grab lunch" with in college?) And the fact that we have it in abundance in America when there are literally millions out there who don't, I am thankful. I am not, however, happy that we don't seem to want to share the wealth.
- Music. Music is such a mystery to me. Isn't it beautiful evidence that some invisible things are very real? The fact that sooo many different compositions can be created out of thin air, just using a few instruments and voices, or without one or the other, and that they can evoke such emotion in us, is mind-blowing - and a huge blessing.
- My bed. Bet you didn't see that one coming. But, since I have been sick, I have spent mostly all of my time in it, and it has been quite a place of solace for me. And every time I see The Blind Side trailer, it makes me very thankful that I have a bed (it's true).
- Doctors/medicine. It's a huge blessing we have the resources to make us well when we're ill, and I think I take that for granted a lot.
- C.S. Lewis. I've been rereading The Great Divorce today and will probably finish it tonight (it's a really fast read). If some of Lewis' books seem a little over your head (sometimes, I just have to refer to the dictionary way too much while reading him), you should try his fiction. They are easier and way thought-provoking.
- My mom and dad. The roommates are being especially thoughtful and helpful to me while I am under the weather. Yes, I am being babied. And yes, I enjoy it (every once in a while : ) ).
- "Shelter" by Sandra McCracken. Sarah listed this on her blog as one of her favorite songs ever, so I decided to look it up. Whoa so good. I have been listening to it pretty frequently the past couple of days. Thank you, Sarah!
Posted by claire at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
After about two full weeks of frequently sneezing and a bit of a runny nose (sorry if you're grossed out), I think it's official that I have contracted a pretty bad cold. I knew this for sure yesterday afternoon when my mom and I had just gotten to the beach to shop for the day. I had this sudden terrible sick feeling that hasn't left me since. So, I have been in bed all day, trying to take it easy so as not to get any worse for the work week. I really don't want to get anybody else sick, like, the public that I constantly interact with at my job...so I probably shouldn't even go. But I think work is a little different than school. You can't just miss. And I know I get time off, but I don't want to have to do that right away. And, hey, I may feel totally better by the morn!
Posted by claire at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I know of nothing more agitating to the soul, nothing that so unsettles and disquiets, as the contemplation of the self.
Posted by claire at 9:35 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
back to the tube
But now, as a new post-grad for the last three months, and just recently employed, having more than enough time on my hands because of the lack of an established schedule and virtually no friends in town (with very precious exceptions), I have fallen under the weekly TV line-up spell yet again! Here's what my nights look like lately:

The best thing to come out of ABC Family, maybe ever. The season actually just ended, so come to think of it, Mondays are open again for me.

The Hills The City

Am I missing anything?
Posted by claire at 3:28 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
today = big step
I am employed and I really can't believe it. God is so good and has faithfully answered my almost year-long prayer of what my "next step" will be, and I am at peace. To be clear, I'm defining this next step as place of residence and employment. For me, it is Dothan and training to be a bank teller/learner of all things "bank". Neither of these was my first pick. I'm living in my parents' house...I mean, c'mon (but I do love them). Job-wise, I'm pretty much still lost as to what God wants me to "be". But I do know He wants me to be obedient to Him, to love Him, to know and be known by Him, to serve Him and people in every small way He allows. And I'm excited to get to do that in this new situation He has brought me to!
Posted by claire at 6:51 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
a lack of blogging in my life at the moment
I miss blogging. I promise we will be friends again soon, Orchard House.
Posted by claire at 10:33 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Elisabeth Elliot's daily devotional really hit me today. It hit me hard.
Title: Indecision
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
It is painfully obvious that many young people today have an awful time making up their minds about anything. They're not "really sure" what college to go to, what to major in, whom to room with, what career to prepare for, whether or whom to marry, whether to bother with children if they do marry, when to bother with them, what to do with them if they get them, whether to attempt to instill any values in their children (not to make up your mind on this issue is, of course, already to have instilled a value in the mind of the child).
Garry Trudeau, author of the cartoon "Doonesbury," has noticed this prevalent indecisiveness. In one strip he has a young man appearing for an interview with the president of an advertising company.
"So you want to be an ad man, eh, son?" says the executive.
"Well, I think so, sir," says the youth. "I mean, I can't be certain, of course, but it seemed worth looking into, you know, to see if it worked out, if it felt right and... I... uh..."
I guess there's nothing new about indecision. James wrote about it in his epistle, and he shows that the remedy for it is trust. He tells us to ask for wisdom if we don't know what to do. "But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to tell you, for a doubtful mind will be as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind; and every decision you then make will be uncertain, as you turn first this way and then that. If you don't ask with faith, don't expect the Lord to give you any solid answer" (James 1:6-8, LB).
I am the youth in this example. I haven't really been asking the Lord for wisdom in the area of my vocation. I believe He has a plan, but rather than actively seeking it with whole-hearted faith, I am more often throwing small pity parties for myself, continually regretting things in the past even when I know they weren't mistakes. Basically, I have been doubting. Praise God for these verses today! What a reminder to ask with faith.
Posted by claire at 4:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
book recommendation: the reason for god by timothy keller
As a child, the plausibility of a faith can rest on the authority of others, but when we reach adulthood there is a need for personal, firsthand experience as well.
Posted by claire at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Newsflash: Posting comments on this site is now possible. (I am not begging for comments here, it has just been brought to my attention that comments don't work on my blog, so my computer-savvy bro-in-law figured it out for me).
Posted by claire at 6:41 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
movie review: whip it
Drew Barrymore's directorial debut is a success! Ellen Page plays Bliss Cavendar, a high-schooler living in a small Texas town outside of Austin, wishing for something exciting to come along in her life to distract her from her pageant-obsessed mother's demands. And something does come along when she sneaks into the city one night and discovers the ridiculous (ridiculously awesome) world of Roller Derby. She soon joins the league, meets a boy, and shenanigans ensue. I thoroughly enjoyed Whip It, a fun and inventive film, and I'll tell you why...
Posted by claire at 4:09 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
movie review: away we go
It's hard to tell yet, but I think I might have loved it. Sam Mendes has cranked out another awesome movie (see American Beauty and Revolutionary Road).
Posted by claire at 6:34 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
being blessed by christmas music...in october
I went for a walk in the park this morning with my mom. Oh how good it felt, what clean crisp air! It definitely feels like fall, but I noticed that the trees and shrubs around me are looking especially green, oddly. Maybe they appear the greenest right before their leaves start to change, who knows (probably not). They just looked so beautiful and lush today. (Mind you, I can't wait until they change into those pretty oranges, reds, and yellows). This song came on my shuffle...it was "Joy to the World" by Sufjan Stevens, which is on his AMAZING Christmas album. I was just completely blessed by it, the words and the music, as I was surrounded by His beauty in the park. This song is not just for Christmas. I think we should sing it year-round. Take another look:
Posted by claire at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
movie review: the last king of scotland
"Oh, Marilla," she exclaimed one Saturday morning, coming dancing in with her arms full of gorgeous boughs. "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It would be terrible if we just skipped from September to November, wouldn't it? Look at these maple branches. Don't they give you a thrill - several thrills?"On to the review. Before renting this movie on Netflix, I actually thought this movie might be set in Scotland. No, no, no....try Uganda. An Oscar-winning performance by Forest Whitaker plus James McAvoy was all I needed to know to be interested, never mind the story. And a story it is! In 1970, a young Scottish doctor (McAvoy) straight out of medical school decides to pack up and practice in Uganda, for an apparently much needed change of scenery. After being there for only a short time, he crosses paths with the newly elected Ugandan president, Idi Amin (Whitaker), who is soon impressed by Dr. Garrigan's ability to act fast in a crisis. Garrigan is invited to be Amin's personal physician, and he accepts. But what the doctor will soon discover is that the seemingly lovable president will resort to fatal measures in order to gain and sustain power and a good public image.
Posted by claire at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
on movie reviewing
Posted by claire at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 26, 2009
movie review: the kite runner
I watched The Kite Runner Friday night, not knowing anything about it except that it is critically-acclaimed. I would have to agree with them - it was A+. I love movies that give me global perspective, even though that renewed perspective is often accompanied by recognition of my own ignorance. For instance, I didn't know that the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in the late 1970s. In fact, I know hardly anything about Afghanistan.
The Kite Runner is the story of two young Afghan boys growing up in the late 1970s, one very wealthy and one very poor, who are first separated emotionally by a horrible injustice and then physically due to political events. After living in the United States for over a decade, privileged Amir is called to go back to his homeland, and once there, finds an amazing chance to help his childhood friend. It is both heartbreaking and joyful, disturbing and beautiful. The acting, music, cinematography, dialogue, everything, was exactly as it needed to be for this story. Each element breathed the film's message, summed best in it's tagline: "There is a way to be good again."
Posted by claire at 7:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: movies
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
the autumnal equinox
Today is the first official day of fall. Hooray! I celebrated by going to Michael's. Didn't really buy anything especially festive, only a scrapbook to record my adventures in Italy from over a year ago and other small things, but just being in there was enough of a treat. The store is just so celebratory of the seasons, wouldn't you agree?
I did not know that the first day of fall was called the autumnal equinox until this very year. Where have I been? Maybe I'm a dummy. I find this kind of funny because I probably wouldn't have even noticed this year if I had not listened to a new (I think it's new) song by Death Cab for Cutie called "Meet Me On The Equinox" last night, which will be featured in the much-anticipated New Moon, and thought, "What's an equinox?" They mentioned it on the Today Show this morning. There was that same funny word again, obviously having something to do with "equality" and the beginning of fall, so I looked up the term. Here's a portion of the def (from Wikipedia, my new best friend):
An equinox occurs twice a year, when the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the Sun being vertically above a point on the Equator. The term equinox can also be used in a broader sense, meaning the date when such a passage happens.
Many people think we will see 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of night over this day and the next, but I did some research and the people who know say that doesn't really happen except for people actually on the equator (my sources could be faulty...I don't really know what I'm talking about) but this slice of information is kind of neat to think about:
On the Northern Hemisphere's autumnal equinox day, a person at the North Pole would see the sun skimming across the horizon, signaling the start of six months of darkness.
On the same day, a person at the South Pole would also see the sun skim the horizon, beginning six months of uninterrupted daylight.
Gives me the creeps. I'm glad I'm not on the North Pole. Anyway, yay for sweet autumn days.
Posted by claire at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
and the search continues
I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. - Psalm 32:8
Posted by claire at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
ba de yah, dancing in september...
Ba de yah, never was a cloudy day... - Earth Wind and Fire
Posted by claire at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
Feeling weak and powerless? It's probably because we are. You should read 2 Chronicles 20.
Posted by claire at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
the summer "hot list"...and the "not list"
I want to share the new things I have enjoyed or have become a fan of this summer in the form of music, movies, books, and many miscellaneous items. And here they are, in no particular order:
Posted by claire at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
John Hughes, 1950-2009
John Hughes passed away yesterday. Because he is the writer/director of three of my first favorite movies ever and many other greats, I feel I need to make a little tribute to him.
Around the time of my sixth grade year, I was introduced to Sixteen Candles. And I became obsessed. It was just perfect. I'd never seen this kind of comedy before. And of course, I fell in love with the story. I wanted to be Samantha Baker, a shy but kind, independent and stylish girl who longs for beautiful senior Jake Ryan, and actually gets his attention, totally unintentionally! Believable? I'm still not sure. Nevertheless, I couldn't and still can't get enough. Plus, every character is witty and unique in their own way. Long Duk Dong, Grandpa Fred, and even mean girl Caroline, all have priceless lines. In a word, the man's a genius when it comes to teen comedy.
The Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink also quickly became favorites (I guess Molly Ringwald is kind of my gur). The Breakfast Club is probably the most amazing character study of high schoolers ever (though this could be argued, since they are very stereotypical characters...) and I will never stop quoting it. Another beautiful story of unnoticed Molly Ringwald heroine pursued by popular dude is told in Pretty in Pink. It's pretty much ideal. You can't beat the last scene at the prom highlighted by Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark's "If You Leave".
What I'm trying to say is this: John Hughes was a huge part of my junior high and high school years. He might have set unrealistic standards for what I wanted my experience to be like, but I couldn't help but enjoy the sweetness and humor of it all. Ferris Bueller's Day Off and the Vacation movies I also love, but nothing comes close to the Ringwald trio.
One Hughes movie that I have overlooked for far too long: Some Kind of Wonderful. I must watch soon.
"We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all." - Andrew, The Breakfast Club
Thank you, Mr. Hughes.
Posted by claire at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
sexy finance
I just can't handle it when teachers in the college of business refer to class material as "sexy". This week, my real estate teacher did so. "We're not really going to talk about the sexy stuff this term, we just don't have time." Last semester, my strategic management teacher, during one of the first classes, announced, "Yeah, we'll get to the sexy stuff later in the term, but first we must cover this..." It has happened a few other times during my four years at Auburn. What "sexy stuff"? I still don't know what they're talking about. I'm sorry to break it to you, teach, but there is nothing sexy about finance, or business really, in my opinion. Anyway...
Posted by claire at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
forced to trust
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." - Ephesians 2:10
Posted by claire at 8:31 PM 0 comments