Sunday, November 8, 2009

today = big step

I am employed and I really can't believe it. God is so good and has faithfully answered my almost year-long prayer of what my "next step" will be, and I am at peace. To be clear, I'm defining this next step as place of residence and employment. For me, it is Dothan and training to be a bank teller/learner of all things "bank". Neither of these was my first pick. I'm living in my parents' house...I mean, c'mon (but I do love them). Job-wise, I'm pretty much still lost as to what God wants me to "be". But I do know He wants me to be obedient to Him, to love Him, to know and be known by Him, to serve Him and people in every small way He allows. And I'm excited to get to do that in this new situation He has brought me to!

Today was my first day at work and last night, I was trying to pick out the perfect "first day" business casual outfit. I was definitely struggling. I need to do some major conservative shopping. I actually looked up "business casual attire" in Google images and the above picture was one result. Yikes. Check out that "Most Recommended" outfit (and pretty much all the rest are disturbing, too, wouldn't you say?).


Pretty in Pink - A Cake Company said...

Congratulations on your new job!