Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day 2009

I hope everyone has had a nice day off with family and friends, enjoying wonderful homemade food, and that you've had a chance to stop and feel thankful for all these things. I know I almost didn't really stop to think about giving thanks. I was pretty preoccupied most of the day with eating food and looking forward to more food and trying not to be awkward at my always-kind-of-awkward family get-togethers. But it was a good day.

Truthfully, I don't want to list out every little thing I'm thankful for. I've got to get up early tomorrow for work (black friday/iron bowl day? sadly, yes.) so I need to go to bed. But what is encouraging is this: over these past three or so days I've been trying to think of everything I'm thankful for, all that I've been blessed with, every little small delight of every day life, and downsize it in to blog form. And the truth is that there is so much to choose from...and I've realized just how much we have to be thankful for. Have I said "thankful" enough?

And, I usually don't do this, but WAR EAGLE for tomorrow!