This is the result of browsing the internet to get some "Christmas list" ideas. I don't really want anything in particular, but of course my Mom wants to have something to go by. I don't need anything, especially not these super-cute dresses from Anthro. Just dreaming!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
dresses from anthropologie
Posted by claire at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving Day 2009
I hope everyone has had a nice day off with family and friends, enjoying wonderful homemade food, and that you've had a chance to stop and feel thankful for all these things. I know I almost didn't really stop to think about giving thanks. I was pretty preoccupied most of the day with eating food and looking forward to more food and trying not to be awkward at my always-kind-of-awkward family get-togethers. But it was a good day.
Truthfully, I don't want to list out every little thing I'm thankful for. I've got to get up early tomorrow for work (black friday/iron bowl day? sadly, yes.) so I need to go to bed. But what is encouraging is this: over these past three or so days I've been trying to think of everything I'm thankful for, all that I've been blessed with, every little small delight of every day life, and downsize it in to blog form. And the truth is that there is so much to choose from...and I've realized just how much we have to be thankful for. Have I said "thankful" enough?
And, I usually don't do this, but WAR EAGLE for tomorrow!
Posted by claire at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
thanks 2
- My time at Auburn. College was four years long. I had eighteen previous years before attending Auburn. But most of my convictions and life perspective that I have now were shaped by those four little years. Auburn is where I really began to grow spiritually. In short, I think a whole lot differently now than I have for the greater part of my life, and it's crazy to think about what I was missing.
- Blogs. I have found over the past few months how great blogs are for keeping up with the lives of friends who are not physically right beside you. You can hear about his or her day just with a click of a mouse. I know, I know, you can call, but sometimes it's kind of hard not to get into a game of phone tag. Also, it's fun to read blogs of people you don't know. There are a lot of interesting peeps out there. As far as my blog goes, I am thankful to have it because it's kind of like a challenge for me - to be myself. I'm trying to use it to share things vulnerably for the good of others, without worrying about anyone judging how good it is or how cool I am. It's a challenge every single time.
- Good Health. I think all of us who generally have good health totally forget to be thankful for it. Or maybe it's just me. If we remember to be thankful for it, we will probably work harder on maintaining it (I'm talking to myself here). For instance - I have legs, not everybody does, so I should take joy in running! Am I being weird? It's getting late...
- Trees. What if the whole earth were desert? That would be a pretty bleak world. Trees are beautiful, and I am thankful to have so many in my back and front yards (my mom's insistence on "privacy").
- Ice cold water. I am convinced that nothing on earth is more quenching of legitimate physical thirst. It is by far my favorite beverage. And I am thankful we have clean water here, as many in the world do not.
Posted by claire at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
- God. That He exists, that He is good, that He sent His Son for us, that He loves us, that He talks to us, that we can talk to Him, that He is sovereign and the blessed controller of all things, that He is creative, and for all the other infinite things He is. All the rest of this list, anything I can ever be thankful for, is from Him and for Him.
- Family. I am talking blood-kin. It is really cool to think that there are people who have been around since you were born, day in and day out, who know your history and know you like no other people in the world. They have shaped you in a way that no one else has. I know family looks different for everyone. Specifically, I am thankful to have two parents who love each other and a sister and a brother-in-law who are my best friends.
- Friendship. The truth is, people need people. You can't really exist with out some connection with another. A beautiful form of this connection is friendship, something I am still learning about and appreciating. I do know that I'm thankful for every friend I've ever had - think about how many friends, even acquaintances, you've been blessed to have over the span of your life, even if you don't keep in touch anymore. They were necessary for that moment in your life.
- Food. What a gift! We have so many different kinds, so as not to grow tired of any one thing. And, it's an excuse to hang out with people (how many people did you "grab lunch" with in college?) And the fact that we have it in abundance in America when there are literally millions out there who don't, I am thankful. I am not, however, happy that we don't seem to want to share the wealth.
- Music. Music is such a mystery to me. Isn't it beautiful evidence that some invisible things are very real? The fact that sooo many different compositions can be created out of thin air, just using a few instruments and voices, or without one or the other, and that they can evoke such emotion in us, is mind-blowing - and a huge blessing.
- My bed. Bet you didn't see that one coming. But, since I have been sick, I have spent mostly all of my time in it, and it has been quite a place of solace for me. And every time I see The Blind Side trailer, it makes me very thankful that I have a bed (it's true).
- Doctors/medicine. It's a huge blessing we have the resources to make us well when we're ill, and I think I take that for granted a lot.
- C.S. Lewis. I've been rereading The Great Divorce today and will probably finish it tonight (it's a really fast read). If some of Lewis' books seem a little over your head (sometimes, I just have to refer to the dictionary way too much while reading him), you should try his fiction. They are easier and way thought-provoking.
- My mom and dad. The roommates are being especially thoughtful and helpful to me while I am under the weather. Yes, I am being babied. And yes, I enjoy it (every once in a while : ) ).
- "Shelter" by Sandra McCracken. Sarah listed this on her blog as one of her favorite songs ever, so I decided to look it up. Whoa so good. I have been listening to it pretty frequently the past couple of days. Thank you, Sarah!
Posted by claire at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
After about two full weeks of frequently sneezing and a bit of a runny nose (sorry if you're grossed out), I think it's official that I have contracted a pretty bad cold. I knew this for sure yesterday afternoon when my mom and I had just gotten to the beach to shop for the day. I had this sudden terrible sick feeling that hasn't left me since. So, I have been in bed all day, trying to take it easy so as not to get any worse for the work week. I really don't want to get anybody else sick, like, the public that I constantly interact with at my I probably shouldn't even go. But I think work is a little different than school. You can't just miss. And I know I get time off, but I don't want to have to do that right away. And, hey, I may feel totally better by the morn!
Posted by claire at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I know of nothing more agitating to the soul, nothing that so unsettles and disquiets, as the contemplation of the self.
Posted by claire at 9:35 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
back to the tube
But now, as a new post-grad for the last three months, and just recently employed, having more than enough time on my hands because of the lack of an established schedule and virtually no friends in town (with very precious exceptions), I have fallen under the weekly TV line-up spell yet again! Here's what my nights look like lately:
The best thing to come out of ABC Family, maybe ever. The season actually just ended, so come to think of it, Mondays are open again for me.
The Hills The City
Am I missing anything?
Posted by claire at 3:28 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
today = big step
I am employed and I really can't believe it. God is so good and has faithfully answered my almost year-long prayer of what my "next step" will be, and I am at peace. To be clear, I'm defining this next step as place of residence and employment. For me, it is Dothan and training to be a bank teller/learner of all things "bank". Neither of these was my first pick. I'm living in my parents' house...I mean, c'mon (but I do love them). Job-wise, I'm pretty much still lost as to what God wants me to "be". But I do know He wants me to be obedient to Him, to love Him, to know and be known by Him, to serve Him and people in every small way He allows. And I'm excited to get to do that in this new situation He has brought me to!
Posted by claire at 6:51 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
a lack of blogging in my life at the moment
I miss blogging. I promise we will be friends again soon, Orchard House.
Posted by claire at 10:33 PM 1 comments