Thursday, December 17, 2009

a christmas tradition: little women

A few nights ago, my sister and I held our 4th (possibly 5th...can't remember) annual Christmas-time viewing of one of our favorite films, Little Women. Her husband joined us this time, which was a little distracting since he made fun of it throughout : (. Nevertheless, it was a brilliant two hours, as always.

How can I explain my love of this movie? The story is so simple and sweetly triumphant. It is about growing up, sisterly affection, wanting to do something great but not knowing how, and most of all, love. This film has had such an effect on me that I even named my blog after it. Orchard House is the name of the March's home and is the main song title of the movie, which is truly one of my all-time favorite instrumental pieces. An orchard is a place where things grow and are cultivated, usually trees. In Little Women, it is the March girls who grow into young women, and on here, this blog, it is me attempting to cultivate my writing skills and capture some of my growth as a young adult. Thus, "Orchard House".

So grab your sisters, your friends, or whoever, and watch Little Women this holiday season. I suggest hot chocolate to better the event.

*I know LW is not necessarily a "Christmas movie". But, it was originally released during the holidays, and it is etched in my mind as a Christmas movie - it just has that essence. Enjoy!