Tuesday, September 1, 2009

ba de yah, dancing in september...

Ba de yah, never was a cloudy day... - Earth Wind and Fire

Sadly, it is a bit cloudy on this first day of September. But no matter, September has finally arrived! I have been pretending it is fall since mid-August, but now I am considering Fall 2009 to be officially here. The beginning of fall just makes me want to go out to Michael's and buy a bunch of art and craft supplies and fake flowers and pumpkins and all sorts of festive decor that I don't need. There is a freshness about fall that I never really appreciated until college, and I am excited to spend my first fall in my hometown since then. Have I said "fall" too much?

With the beginning of autumn comes the end of summer. The summer could not have closed in a better way for me than spending a blessed weekend in Fairhope, AL with some friends, relaxing by the bay, plus a little celebration of a friend's birth : ) Michelle's grandparents live in an absolute oasis in my opinion, a beautiful lot right on the bay, complete with a fantastic wharf. And oooh the food we were spoiled was wonderful.

Two things I have become a big fan of as of late/at summer's end: Anne of Green Gables and (500) Days of Summer.

Let's start with Anne. I have always loved the movie, but had never read the book until now, prompted by my book club. I finished it this Saturday on the wharf in the late afternoon sunlight. It was such an "Anne moment" for me, surrounded by nature and all its vastness, beautiful friends, and quiet peace. I guess I call it an "Anne moment" because the heroine of this story makes one appreciate things, everyday things, that are actually of infinitely more importance than the things which often seem so important. For example, Anne, while in uncomfortable anticipation of year-end exams, "Girls, sometimes I feel as if those exams meant everything, but when I look at the big buds swelling on those chestnut trees and the misty blue air at the end of the streets they don't seem half so important." Anne Shirley is full of universal truths and inadvertent comments on society, and she is just plum funny. Lucy Maud Montgomery's style of writing is so whimsical and it matches perfectly with her title character's personality. And that is why I love this story, and plan to read the rest in the series.

I saw (500) Days of Summer about a week ago and wish I had written about it right after when it was fresh on my mind. But I do remember that I loved it. From opening (especially opening!) to ending credits, the experience was everything a "romantic comedy" cinema experience should be. As in, this movie proves that romantic comedies can be unpredictable, and they are usually better that way. (I do believe that there are many good romantic comedies that are predictable, also). I was very impressed with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who is not new to acting but is definitely new to leading roles, I think. He was surprisingly funny, too. Zooey Deschanel is one of my favorites and did not disappoint. She's so "spacey", and I love her for it. The style of the movie was brilliant. Very artistic! I don't have the proper words to describe why it was so brilliant, but it was. And we all know the soundtrack kicks. Just go see it, and don't watch the trailer first. I've found that movies, for me, anyway, are better when you don't know much about them first.

So goodbye summer, and hello fall. I am hoping it will be an adventurous one.