Thursday, September 17, 2009

and the search continues

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. - Psalm 32:8

I can't believe it is mid-September already. I had a silent goal to be employed by the end of the month, and I think I have to let that go. Not because it's already the 17th and I still don't have a job and there aren't any shimmering prospects, but because I'm putting unneeded pressure on myself. I am walking with the Lord, seeking His will, applying for jobs, sending out resumes and cover letters, and talking to people. In short, I am trying. I could be a bit more bold, though, as is usually the case with me, so I am working on that. In the meantime, I am enjoying the rest God is giving me! Right now, for His own reasons, He is calling me to a time of quiet with my family. As much as I want to already be in the workforce and have a routine, I can't pick the date as to when that happens. I'm thankful that I have a family that loves me and is supporting me as I try to pursue the things that actually interest me. To get to those things, of course, I must. have. experience. Isn't that always the case? And to be honest, I really haven't even had enough experience to know what those things are that "actually interest me", as I said before. I think I have some hints, and I think I know what my interests are not. So, my goal for the coming weeks, month, whatever, is to be employed somewhere - to get experience.

I had an interview with a company last week, for a position I knew I didn't really want, in the area of accounting. I interviewed for the aforementioned reason - to get experience. Not only general job experience, but job experience relating to my actual degree (wild, right?) And that has been my logic up until really this week. Get a job that relates to finance or accounting - even though you were never really energized by the work in your classes and you never seemed as interested in the work as your peers and your favorite classes were your English, Writing, and Art History classes - so you can attach some meat and some value to that degree you got. Before the interview, I was a little worried that my true interests would come out based on the questions my interviewers would ask and the fact that I do not want to be an accountant and that I do not really like accounting at all might be discovered. And that was exactly what happened. I was found out. I was honest. I cannot "fake it 'til I make it". I couldn't lie to them and tell them I wanted to be an accountant with them for the next five, ten years. The interview confirmed what I already knew about myself. If I have to lie about myself to get a job, I do not want that job. So now, I am on the edge of abandoning the business side of me once and for all....but you should know I tend to weeble wobble on that issue.

Am I a bore with all this "job" talk? Being human, that's the job we all have. And it's a good job. Quite challenging, though!