Friday, October 24, 2008

the first of many

After a few months of reading and enjoying a few of my friends' and acquaintances' blogs, I have finally given into the desire to start my own, and I am too excited about this new adventure! This is actually my second blog attempt. I don't know exactly what I hope to gain by doing this, or what I hope to give. All I know is that I want to write. My dad sent me a forward-type email about a year ago, I think, called "Lessons in Life".  There are 50 of them. I go back to it from time to time, just for a little refreshment when I feel I am taking things too seriously. One jumps out at me in particular, always: 

"A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write."

Very convicting for me, you see. I will hint to my family and friends and insist all day long that I am serious about becoming a writer someday. A real writer. Whether it be screenplays (hopefully so!), novels, or even magazines. Someday, that is. But in the meantime, right now, there is no active evidence in my life of my seriousness about becoming a writer. Now this is not entirely true, for I am taking a writing class this semester, which I am enjoying so very much. But still, it is not a daily, or even weekly, legitimate effort at practicing my writing skills. 

So this thing is a place to practice writing, enjoy writing, hopefully share some insight/thoughts on a number of various subjects (there will be a lot of movie talk, that I can promise), and just share life. I don't really know what a blog is supposed to be. I know I don't want it to be something that I use for self-fulfillment, or to impress people. I made that mistake with my last one. I can see pride being a problem. "Look at me and my blog" and "I've got to go write about that on my blog!" and "Don't I look like an interesting person, readers?" are the real dangers for me. So I'll try to limit the talking about myself, though I'll probably fail. I sense the hypocrisy already. I mean, we have to talk about ourselves and our experiences, or no one would ever learn from anyone else, right? I will be talking about myself, obviously, but I just don't want to subconsciously be trying to glorify myself. 

It's a little too late at night for me to end this cleverly or with a quote, verse, or lyric, so i will simply...end.


rhodes1 said...

Claire, I know its only one post, but you really are a good writer! I'm excited, you better keep it up!