I'm tired of having this mindset that every one of my posts needs to be "perfect", as in perfectly shaped and perfectly coherent and perfectly written. It's probably why I've stayed away for nearly a month, which is sad, since I was sooo stoked about becoming a blogger (haha). I am prepared to let go of this mindset and am going to try my best at just being real and in the moment...let's have at it!
I went to a concert on Sunday night in Atlanta with some friends, and what a blessing it was. Thank you, Rachel! We saw the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. They were AMAZING. It definitely exceeded my expectations. The music was beautiful - the most musical talent I may have ever seen live. Confession: right when we sat down, they were mid-song (we were late), and I don't even know what they were playing, but I actually started tearing up. I really got choked up. Yes, I daresay I have become more of an emotional person in the last few years. It's not a bad thing, I don't think. It's just that when something is really beautiful to me, I get teary-eyed. Anyway, it was basically a Christmas concert. That's what they play - mostly Christmas music. Sure did pump me up for the holidays : ) I think we were all pleasantly surprised at how much emphasis was placed on the birth of our Savior in the show. One of the members of the band narrated the first half of the show, sort of introduced each song, with a little more info about that holy night in Bethlehem. The whole concert was just kind of like a picture of Heaven to me, a glimpse of what it will be like. God's glory was there, on that stage and in those instruments and in those voices. If you ever have the opportunity, see them. They will not disappoint.
By the way, I think it is a requirement for every male member of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra to wear his hair at least 3 inches below his ears (extra points for below the shoulder). Fine by me.